21st Century South Asia

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The volume takes up issues relating to security and threats in South Asia in the twenty-first century. It deals with the causes, outcomes, potential actors and implications regarding the security scenario and suggests mechanisms and steps to ensure security in the region. It classifies security into traditional and non-traditional security. Issues such as the US ‘war on terror’ in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the state’s conduct and bilateral policies, the maritime dimension of security and the ethnic dimension to national security are covered under traditional security. The contributions by persons from diverse professional backgrounds delve into non-traditional threats with respect to livelihood concerns, migration and trafficking, human security concerns, food security and development issues and water conflict among other themes. With specific reference to the Kashmir dispute and the situations and approaches of the countries of the region, they critically evaluate policy dimensions and challenges.


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21st Century South Asia
1st. ed.
334p., Illustrations; 23cm.