There are numerous terms related to subjects that we are unaware of. Here, in this series we have introduced various dictionaries that will enrich your sphere of knowledge. The series comprises dictionaries on a number of subjects. All the science students can make use of dictionaries of Science, Physics, chemistry, Biology, etc. For students of Arts, they can refer to dictionaries of Economics, History, Literature, etc. Other than that one can also read and make use of the dictionaries of Civil Engineering, Commerce, mathematics, Education, Music, etc. the reader can also come to know more about the various technological terms in the dictionaries of subjects like Medical Lab Technology and Rubber Technology. On the whole, these dictionaries are a broad spectrum of various terms related to the subject. The field of the subject of Chemistry is very broad. The Chemistry subject can be divided into inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, environmental chemistry, electrochemistry and various other fields. This dictionary of Chemistry will provide all kind of right stuff of all the branches in a single dictionary of Chemistry and comprises more than 1500 terms. It contains exhaustive and precise definitions of the terms. Besides that, many of the terms are supplemented with their pictorial representations. These pictorial representations provide extra knowledge apart from what already is given there in the definitions. Besides that they also helps the reader in grasping the crust of the term. All in all it will help the students of all levels, teachers, and all others who are very much in love with this great subject.
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