A Critical Study on Life and Works of Sir Walter Scott: The Restless Dynamism in Life and Literature (In 2 Volumes)

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Sir Walter Scott’s restlessness to do a lot and all at once shows up in his life and literature, where he, a man of boundless energy and enthusiasm, worked on multiple fronts to prove himself. Probably, he was a born writer and poet but his parental discard of all things literary and celebration of material belongings and stature skewed his priorities in life and he was a little confused about them till the end. Or he wanted to prove too many things to too many people and all at the same time, which propelled him to churn out volumes after volumes by writing regularly for several hours before breakfast, attending to courts and still fiddling with speculation and industry. To understand the life and work of Scott it becomes rather compulsory to plunge into the details beyond his literature. The book has been structured thus. His para literary enterprises are also brought in focus in a separate section while in another one are reproduced selected chapters from Lockhart’s "The life of Scott". Any discerning reader will find in his literature, a decidedly uneven quality divisible into any number of separate activities all being propelled forward simultaneously at breakneck pace. In his poems and his novels, he shifts scene, focus, and tone with a restless dynamism that often leaves the reader struggling to take it all in, struggling, that is, to see the narrative unity behind all the diverse detail, sub-plots, digressions and dead-ends. Then that was his life too! The book explores his life and literature in two volumes and evaluates Sir Walter Scott as a literary, social, political and entrepreneurial personality.


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A Critical Study on Life and Works of Sir Walter Scott: The Restless Dynamism in Life and Literature (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.