The present work, namely, Rgveda-vaiyakarana-padasuci or 'A Grammatical Word Index to Rgveda' embodies jut that portion of our afore-said Concordance which relates to this particular Samhita. It is published, separately, to afford additional facility of reference to this text which, more than the rest, have generally to be looked into by scholars interested in general Indological research. The Commentary being meant, exclusively, for the use of the philological and text-critical specialist, has been excluded from this cross-section. Thus, this work may in a way be regarded as a thoroughly revised, scientifically overhauled and consolidated recast of the separately published Word-Index of Svami Vishveshvaranand and Svami Nityanand. This work records every word used in Rgveda in a complete grammatical setting. The method followed in this respect is akin to but, in many points, may be an advance on the method followed by Grassmann in his Worterbuch zum Rig-Veda (1873). For this reason, it is quite distinct, in nature, from Max Muller's Word-Index to Rgveda (1872-74), the aforesaid Rgveda-padanukramani produced by Svami Vishveshvaranand and Svami Nityanand (1908-10) and Rgveda-pada-suci, published by Vaidika Samshodhana Mandala, Poona (1951), which just re-arrange, in their alphabetical order, the pada-s of the Pada-patha.
A Grammatical Word: Index to Rigveda
Shanta-Kuti Vedic Series
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A Grammatical Word: Index to Rigveda
Shanta-Kuti Vedic Series
Shanta-Kuti Vedic Series
1st. ed.
xxii+625p., Appendices; 25cm.
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