A Laboratory Manual of Plant Biotechnology

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Biotechnology, is the manipulation of biological organisms to make products that benefit human beings. Biotechnology contributes to such diverse areas as food production, waste disposal, mining and medicine. A new industry, based on the discoveries of modern molecular biology, is rapidly gaining momentum. It is now possible to alter living organisms artificially by manipulating their genetic makeup, inducing them to perform new and useful tasks or to make biochemicals that are too costly to synthesize by existing means. At its simplest, biotechnology has been with us for millennia: yeasts have been used for making alcohol, and bacteria for yogurt. Selection of desirable characteristics has allowed the development and improvement of crops and farm animals. However, these techniques have only exploited the natural capabilities of organisms or selected from their existing variability. The latest biotechnology, in contrast, offers means of making new organisms with completely novel capabilities, precisely tailored for a specific purpose.


Dr. S.S. Purohit (b. July, 1948) obtained M.Sc. (Gold Medal) and Ph.D. in Botany from Udaipur University, Udaipur. He was guest scientist in various foreign universities. He has 30 years of teaching experience of UG and PG students specially Plant Physiology and Biotechnology. He has guided 12 M. Phil and 5 Ph.D. students. He is a well known author of 30 nooks of national and international repute. He has edited an International series entitled: Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development in Six Volumes and two Volumes have been reprinted by W. Junk Publishers, Holland. Presently he is the Managing Director of Agrobios (India) and Chief Editor Agrobios News Letter.


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A Laboratory Manual of Plant Biotechnology
1st ed.
xv+408p., Figures.

