A Manual of Library Automation and Networking

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Librarians and information professionals are confronted today by rapidly changing environment. The major aspects to this change are new technologies and the potential for new services which they bring. At the same time library users and their demands are also changing. They are now coming with new expectations and insist on high quality service. On the other hand the range and variety of information sources that librarians now deal with encompass print materials, CD-ROMs, online bibliographic databases in a variety of formats, electronic journals, digital text supplied from a number of vendors or downloaded from internet. Each of the format required both generic and highly specified skills for information search. In this short manual an attempt has been made to appraise the librarians, information workers, students of library and information science and others who have no mathematical background and no computer knowledge, to become aware about the basics of new technologies and their applications to various activities in libraries and information centres, so that they can adopt the use of new technologies to their day to day work. The basic concepts of library automation and computerization have been explained in simple language with a number of illustrations and examples.


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A Manual of Library Automation and Networking