A Reading of Anita Desai’s In Custody

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The present book is a pioneering attempt at evaluating Anita Desai's classic novel in Custody. This work in five chapters studies the bogged characters representing the past world of Urdu culture. It starts with the male/female divide and the purdah that divides the worlds of the characters, and analyses the reasons of the Urdu/Hindi, Muslim/Hindu rift of the post-Partition India. Next, the link between space and movement and the failure of the main character to be a worthy recipient of the Urdu literary tradition are revealed through a study of Anita Desai’s Poetics.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Aida Balvannanadhan

Aida Balvannanadhan holds a Ph.D. from the University of Paris XII in literature on contemporary Indian women writers and has been qualified 'Maitre de Conferences' in Anglophone Studies by the CNU in 2003 and 2008. She has published various articles on Indian literature and a full-length book on Arundhati Roy's novel, The God of Small Things in 2007. She has taught in the English departments of the Universities of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Marc Bloch in Strasbourg II. and in the Law Faculty of Cergy University and in secondary schools.


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A Reading of Anita Desai’s In Custody
1st ed.
8178510588, 9788178510583
112p., Notes; Glossary, Bibliography; Index; 22cm.