A Scientific Study of Management of Puerperium Through Ayurveda

Krishnadas Ayurveda Series

Book: 78

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Research is an on-going process.  It is defined as systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources etc. in order to establish facts and reach new conclusion.  In the present context the material and source of knowledge is based upon Ayurveda, which is not merely a medical science, but a philosophy of life.  In Kasyapa Samhita, a known book of ayurvedic science, sixty four types of puerperal diseases alongwith the management of puerperium (Sutika Svasthavrtta) is described in detail.  Accordingly, the methods of management based upon vast experiences are being used in practice since long traditionally.  That is why, the ancient holistic knowledge of Ayurveda was called as "Traditional Medicine" in the past by the western scientists.  Keeping in view, it is very much essential to examine the scattered material with the help of modern scientific tools for want of re-establish facts in the present era.


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A Scientific Study of Management of Puerperium Through Ayurveda
Krishnadas Ayurveda Series
1st ed.
xiv+105p., Tables; Plates; Figures; References; Annexures; 23cm.