A Source Book of Indian Medicine: An Anthology

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR K H Krishnamurthy

Prof. K.H. Krishnamurthy (b.1928), B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D., FBS has worked in the Universities of Gujarat, Mysore, Tamilnadu and Pondicherry and retired (1986) after 30 years of distinguished service in the Jawaharlal Institute of Post graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry. Even after retirement, he is busily engaged in several academic assignment and projects. His professional positions had been as a Convenor, Faculty of History of Medicine; a UGC Emeritus Scholar, JIPMER; a Fellow in Ayurveda , Bombay hospital trust; a Visiting Professor, National Medical College, Bombay and a Fellow in Ayurveda, FRLHT. He is a distinguished Sanskritist and Linguist, has received many Honours and Awards and has authoured more than 100 research papers in National/International Journals. His may sided achievements are best revealed in the ranges (4) and the number (30) of his books. The ranges are Brain and Language (his doctoral work), Writing on Advanced aspects of Modern Science in Kannada and Sanskrit, General Works and on Medicinal plants/Ayurveda.


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A Source Book of Indian Medicine: An Anthology
1st Ed.
xiv+550 Pp, Royal 4 vo