The estimates of crop production are obtained by multiplication of area estimates by corresponding yield estimates. The estimates of area and yield rates assume prime importance in the entire gamut of agricultural statistics. The period of an agricultural crop year is from July to June, during which various farm operations–from preparation of seed bed, nursery, sowing, transplanting various inter-culture operations, harvesting, threshing etc. are carried out.
Different crops are grown during the agricultural seasons in the crop year. Final estimates of production based on complete enumeration of area and yield through crop cutting experiments become available much after the crops are actually harvested. However, the government requires advance estimates of production for taking various policy decisions relating to pricing, marketing, export/import, distribution, etc. Considering the genuine requirement of crop estimates much before the crops are harvested for various policy purposes, a time scheduled of releasing the advance estimates has been evolved.
The book covers all the aspects in statistics at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in agricultural faculties of Indian agricultural universities.
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