A Textbook of Environmental Science

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This book on environmental science is an extremely well-structured and engaging book for he students and teachers of environmental science, physical science and biology. It maintains the right balance between covering the core theoretical and conceptual issues associated with the subject.

The publication presents a comprehensive introductory treatment, ideally edited ad structured in an informal yet substantive style provides an in-depth introduction to the concepts of environmental science. The focus is on clarity, accessibility, and the needs of the students and teachers.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Prabhat Patnaik

Prabhat Patnaik, till recently Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, is currently Vice-Chairman of the State Planning Board, Government of Kerala. He is the author of Time, Inflation and Growth (1988), Economics and Egalitarianism (1991), Whatever Happened to Imperialism and other essays (1995), Accumulation and Stability under Capitalism (1997), The Retreat to Unfreedom (2003) and The Value of Money (2008). He is the editor of the journal Social Scientist.


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A Textbook of Environmental Science
1st ed.
340p., Illustrations; Maps; 23cm.