A Textbook of Genetics

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The Science of genetics during almost a century since its origin has made great advancement giving newer and newer techniques for general amelioration of living beings in general and humans in particular. Though literature is available describing in detail these techniques and their utilities, yet the general reader is unable to understand them since he is not aware of basic concepts, principles and terminology. “A textbook of Genetics” aims at introducing the basic concepts, principles and techniques in a way that will enable the reader to understand complex as well as latest innovations in genetics. In addition, by describing in a picturesque manner cell structure, chromosomes, DNA, RNA, genes, laws of inheritance, etc., the book makes elucidation on genetics, gene therapy, genetic engineering, genetic profiling, human genome project with cloning, genetic inheritance, mutations, etc., along with use of these concepts in disease control, disease resistance, increase in food production with good quality, genetic alteration for controlling inherited diseases and many more areas. Moreover, pictures and glossary will facilitate easy understanding. This unique presentation on basics of applied genetics is of immense use to teachers, students, researchers and general readers.


Dr. Sunil Kumar teaches in the Department of History, Delhi University. He received his Ph.D. from Duke University in 1992. His book ‘The Emergence of the Delhi Sultanate 1190-1290’ is in press. Meanwhile he has completed another manuscript titled, ‘Sites of Power and Resistance: A Study of Sultanate Monumental Architecture’. Dr. Kumar resides in Saket, in South Delhi, near the sites discussed in this book.


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A Textbook of Genetics
1st ed.
viii+226p., Tables; Figures; Appendix; Glossary; Index; 23cm.