The book "Strength of Materials" authored by Prof. D. Ghosh and Dr. A.K. Datta is a textbook on the subject with a difference. It has all the ingredients necessary to quench the thirst of the inquisitive readers as well as that of undergraduate students. To be specific it contains the following salient features:
Theory in necessity but not too lengthy details.
Large number of worked out examples with important notes and discussions wherever necessary.
Good number of review problems with practical orientation.
Comparative study with useful details and examples about the fundamental concepts of different Energy Methods particularly beneficial to the students interested in learning Advanced Mechanics.
Discussion about the effect of idealisations, approximations and thought provoking aspects of some practical phenomena.
Multiple choice questions.
Additional information on topic such as "stress concentration."
Sample computer programmes for solution of some problems.
Dr. A.K. Dutta, graduated from NIT (formerly RE College) Durgapur in the year 1989 with honours in Civil Engineering. After this, completed M.Tech. (Structural Engineering) from the same Institute. Later on completed Ph.D. from IIT- Roorkee in the year 2001. Dr. Datta is sincerely engaged in research and teaching throughout his nineteen years teaching carrier in the National Institute of Technology, Durgapur. Before joining this Institute he served in Industry (Simplex Concrete Piles Ltd., New Delhi) for one year. Dr. Datta has also visited Concordia University, Canada as part-time faculty. He is reviewer of books and journals of some reputed agencies. Dr. Datta also served as Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Drawing, National Institute of Technology. Presently Dr. Datta is serving in National Institute of Technology-Durgapur as Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department. His area of specialisation is in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics and present research area is Structural Health Monitoring. Dr. Datta has good number of research publications in the above mentioned areas. In his teaching career Dr. Datta has been teaching the subjects like Strength of Materials, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Graphics, Structural Dynamics, Computational Methods in Civil Engineering, Finite Element Method, Introduction to Earthquake Engineering at UG and PG level. He acted as supervisor of the project work of many UG students and research work for thesis of PG students.
Prof. D. Ghosh is Ex-Head of the Department of Civil Engineering of RE College Durgapur (presently NIT- Durgapur). He did his BE degree in Civil Engineering from Bengal Engineering College, Sibpur in the year 1962 and postgraduate degree in Structural Engineering from IIT-Kharagpur in the year 1966. After working in industry for a short duration, Prof. Ghosh joined as a faculty member in the department of Applied Mechanics and Drawing, RE College, Durgapur. Later on Prof. Ghosh shifted to the Civil Engineering Department of the same Institute. Apart from holding several positions in different capacities he also served as Head of the Department of Civil Engineering. He retired from the department in the year 1999. During this period he taught almost all the subjects related to structural engineering at UG and PG level. He acted as supervisor of the project work of many UG students and research work for thesis of many PG students. He visited a few renowned Universities in USA for academic purpose.
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