In this, the second, volume have been collected some important seminal essays by Acharya Prafulla Chandra written at different periods of his life. The principal attractions of the book include an evocative description of his childhood (from his Autobiography), the important Prize Essay of his student years (first published in Edinburgh), India Before and After the Mutiny, an account of his teaching career at the Presidency College and of his early research activities, some selected excerpts from his Hindu Chemistry and the story from his own perspective of the launching of the Bengal Chemical. This volume has also been enriched by some of his important letters, his opinions about matters of contemporary relevance and some of his important presidential addresses. The essay on the Acharya by his student and illustrious successor in chemical research, Dr. Asima Chattopadhyay, adds a new dimension in understanding the versatility of the great man and in assessing his contributions in today’s context. Some rare photographs and a chronological table of his life and works enrich this volume.

Acharya Prafulla Chandra: Portrait of a Man (Volume 2)
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Acharya Prafulla Chandra: Portrait of a Man (Volume 2)
1st ed.
907p., Tables; Figures; Plates; 22cm.
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