The Indian sub-continent, particularly the peninsular India, is recognized as one of the richest areas of Acheulian occupation in the Old World. This research work is a detailed study of the Acheulian Culture system in India – signifying the earliest cultural occupation here. The book examines the cultural material of the Acheulian phase in its ecological setting to throw light on the distribution pattern, nature of habitats, Quaternary deposits, mammalian and hominid remains, land use and subsistence, site formation process, genesis and chronology of the Acheulian cultural system. Incorporating his own field observations over the last three decades and more as well as integrating and synthesizing the available data and evidence on Acheulian culture, Dr. R.S. Pappu presents a comprehensive understanding of the Acheulian system and, in general, behavioural patterns of early hunting and food gathering communities. He also provides an account of the progress of Palaeolithic research in India since the first discovery of Palaeolithic settlement by Foot in 1863, tracing the major projects and contributions of noted Indian geo-archaeologists.
Genetic Engineering in Plants
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