This issue brings out papers on different aspects of pollen-spore research. The papers refer to honey bees as efficient pollen vectors in Bt-cotton hybrid plants; pollination biology of two economically important forest plant species, Acacia Sinuata and Semecarpus anacardium; pollen viability and storage in higher plants; identification of cytoplasmic male sterile lines for seed protein improvement in pearl millet and their relation to page patterns and seedling phenotypes; mangrove history in relation to sea level changes based on pollen studies; aerobiology and biochemical aspects of allergenic pollen plants, Trema orientalis and Peltophorum inerme; pollen analysis and physico-chemical characteristics of some honeys; pollen-flow enhancement by employing honey bees for improving the yield of RCH-2 Bt Cotton Hybrid Plant; Passerine birds as effective pollen vectors in some forest plants; SEM studies of biodeterioration of aerobioparticles; and pollen plants of honey bees in mangrove forests. This issue also covers a paper on the discharge of tetraspores and carpospores of a estuarine algal species, Caloglossa leprieurii. Less in known about the estuarine algae with reference to their role in mangrove ecosystems and their economic importance. In this context, this paper is an addition to the existing knowledge on the estuarine algae.
Dr. Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. He did outstanding research in the subjects of Pollination Ecology, Conservation Biology, environmental Microbiology and Sanitation, and Aeorbiology. He published more that 200 research papers in International and National journals. He executed different major research projects funded by DST, UGC, MOEF, ICAR and CSIR. He is a Visiting Professor of the University of Colima, Mexico. He did postdoctoral research at the University of Akron, Ohio, USA for which he was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award in 1991. He received the Best Researcher Award of the Andhra University, Best Paper Presentation Award and Loyola environmental Award from Loyola College, Chennai, India, in recognition of his outstanding research in biology. He served as Guest Editor for different volumes of Journals of Palynology. He is a member of several scientific societies in USA, Japan and India. He was an elected member of Sigma Xi, USA. He attended more than 50 national conferences and 20 international conferences. He visited USA, Canada, UK, Brazil, Mexico, Italy and Paraguay. He served as Consultant for Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nations, Rome, Italy. He is the Resource Person for all India Radio Programmes on Science, Academic Staff Colleges and Chairperson for several technical programmes of International and National Conferences, etc. He organized different national level conferences on Pollination Ecology and published popular articles in daily news papers for the promotion of science. several of his papers were cited in published papers in international and national journals. Presently, he is operating major research projects on Pollination Ecology of Biodiesel Plants.
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