The continent of Africa is presently at a critical juncture in its chequered history. It is beset by economic and social problems. However, it is a continent which is on the March, full of promises. The crucial question is how Africa will bring about the required transformation given the cruel legacy of underdevelopment bequeathed by slave trade, colonialism and neo-colonial exploitation. There is no time for despair. Africa needs to learn about the bitter lessons from its past history and meaningfully prepare for the future. Not enough is known about Africa in other countries, including India. The present volume is an attempt to fill this gap. This book is the outcome of an International Conference on Africa which was organised by the India International Centre in collaboration with the University of Delhi from 15-17 February, 1996. It contains the contributions of nearly 40 leaders and experts from more than a dozen African countries and India. Dr. Julius K Nyerere, former President of Tanzania, delivered the key-note address. The papers in this volume examine the fundamental causes of under-development and the role that south-south cooperation can play in Africa’s March towards a happier tomorrow.
Africa, India and South- Southcooperation
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Africa, India and South- Southcooperation
1st ed.
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