Ageing is a global phenomenon in the sense that it is experienced by all the societies in all generators and all countries but its magnitude and manifestations are not the same everywhere. In the modern scientific age with improved health care, improved nutrition and improved living standards people live much longer than expected and thereby there has been an increase in the growth of elderly population in all societies. As also elsewhere, the population aged 60+ is increasing rapidly in our country that it is expected to be 177 million by 2025. This growth in the population of the elderly will certainly change the aspect of life for individual and societies. With the changing social values, elderly persons are facing many problems–socio-familial, emotional, health, financial etc. This book deals with a number of issues pertaining to the aged from a multi-disciplinary approach emphasizing on the status, welfare and problems of the elderly persons particularly in Nagaland and it will be a useful source of information and reference to academicians, scholars and social workers and government agencies alike.
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