Agricultural Botany: Theoretical and Practical (In 2 Volumes)

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There has been absence of textbooks of botany suited to the needs of the students of agriculture, those available being works which treat the subject from a purely scientific standpoint and contain a large amount of matter which though important to the botanist is not of much interest or value to the agriculturist. The contents of the book are based upon the author’s long years of teaching and lecturing to students, working farmers and gardeners and cover all those botanical areas which such experience had led the author to consider essential to a sound working knowledge of the general principles of science and its more immediate application to the crops in the farms. It is expected that the book will provide a fund of rich experiences to the students, teachers and working farmers and will be found to be of immense use to botanical agriculturists.


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Bibliographic information

Agricultural Botany: Theoretical and Practical (In 2 Volumes)
8181920295, 9788181922014
xiv+402p.+xiv+403-839p., Figures; Index; 23cm.