Landless among the agricultural labour households are the poorest of the poor. The problem of this group has been discussed primarily from the angle of employment, minimum wages and distribution of surplus lands, house sites, etc. the book studies the problems of indebtedness in the context of programme like Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) and consumption finance to weaker sections. The major objectives of the book are to bring together all the available evidences on the magnitude of indebtedness, among agricultural labour households, purposes for which loans are borrowed, sources of finance and interest rates associated with loans extended to these households has increased over a period of time. Non-institutional agencies are the dominant source from which nearly one-half of the indebted households borrow at exhorbitant rate of interest.
Agricultural Households and Institutional Finance
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Agricultural Households and Institutional Finance
1st ed.
vii+180p., Tables; Maps; Figures; Notes; References; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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