The technology innovations in agricultural production signaled the importance and power of modern technology in enhancing agricultural productivity. But there has also been the unfortunate realization that the fruits of modern technology have not fully trickled down to the dry and marginal rural farmlands to make any significant change in the lives of the poorest inhabitants of these areas. There are yet about 840 million people, or 13% of the global population, for whom food security is still a dream. Besides this, loss of biodiversity, dependence on chemical inputs and environmental degradation have become serious concerns. A deeper technological change coupled with farm practices that cover the inputs and the biodiversity requirements needs to be ushered in to address these issues on the agricultural front. Added to these, package of additives, ecological balance and the apprehensions of global warming are also part of the new approach to agriculture, which may be called the “Second Green Revolutionâ€, a move towards agricultural prosperity across the globe. In specific terms, the new move requires a broad spectrum approach covering issues like biotechnology, integrated crop management, conservation of ecological balance, integrated farming systems, market-oriented cropping pattern and production approach which ensure better terms of trade for agriculture, thus yielding agriculture a greater comparative advantage. This book focuses on the approaches that are to be applied to agricultural prosperity, a move towards a revitalized and prosperous agriculture.
Agricultural Prosperity: The Road Map
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Agricultural Prosperity: The Road Map
1st ed.
v+243p., Tables; Figures; Index; 23cm.
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