The future holds multitude of challenges to nation-building of an emerging India. The Indian armed forces along with other governmental and non-govt. agencies will have to work together, in word and spirit, to have capabilities to handle uncertainties ahead. This book traces air power legacy in some landmark counter-insurgency and hybrid conflicts, including Indian employment within and outside the nation. Flowing from this experience is an elaborate conceptual modelling in the Indian context covering complexity theory, best-practices in disaster and crisis management, and the famous OODA Loop. It attempts to predict multi-domain capacities and capabilities best-suited to handle uncertainty and unpredictability of the future. About the Author: Air Vice Marshal Rajesh Isser AVSM VM (G) has gathered 8000 flying hours across the length and breadth of India. He has experienced combat in the Siachen Glacier, Sri Lanka (IPKF), the Kargil War (1999) and in the Congo. The author has wide experience of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief all over India, as well as in countries like Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh and DRC. He has authored many articles in various professional journals, plus two books "The Purple Legacy" and "Peacekeeping and Protection of Civilians.
Airpower in Irregular & Hybrid Conflicts
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Airpower in Irregular & Hybrid Conflicts
1st ed.
The Book Line, 2017
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