This checklist contains exhaustive information on cyanoprokaryota pertaining to 5 orders 18 families 90 genera 939 species, 207 varieties and 86 forms along with their details including nomenclature and distribution. In totality genus Oscillatoria has maximum number of species followed by Lyngbya Phormidium Anabaena, Scytonema, Calothrix and Nostoc. These genera belong to order Nostocales and family Oscillatoriaceae, Nostocaceae, Scytonemataceae and Rivulariaceae. It is expected that efforts made for bringing out this checklist will be useful as handy tool in this from and will serve as a source of baseline information to researchers, scientists teachers students etc. working on cyanoprokaryotes and/or related areas for future studies environment impact assessments bio-geographic speciation analysis, etc.
Contents: 1. Chroococcaceae Wettst. 2. Chamaesiphonales wetts. 3. Pleurocapsales geitler. 4. Nostocales Geitler. 5. Stigonematales geitler. 6. List of excluded taxa. References.
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