Tell a slave that he is a slave, and he will revolt. Whether the motto behind this statement of Ambedkar is to consolidate and empower the deprived sections of the society or if his Trio slogan of educate, organize and agitate has had any impact on the amelioration of the deprived people in the postmodern society is a question analytically dissected in the present book. Whether Ambedkar’s thrust on education and reservation really helped the upliftment of downtrodden, weaker sections and women or if it had created any uproar in the Indian society and what is the relevance of human rights to deprived and weaker sections in the present era of globalization, liberalization and privatization has been given due focus. Apart from the aforesaid, rulings of the Indian judiciary on reservation, reservations in elite educational institutions, rule of creamy layer to Dalits, reservations to converted Christians, Muslims, and the national educational policy, fundamental rights and directive principles and international economic order/WTO, challenge of globalization, agenda for development, millennium declaration have been duly considered while dealing the subject under focus. The book presents a lucid exposition of the attitude adopted by the judiciary, bureaucracy, institutions, policy makers towards the vice versa development, and well-being and needs of the hapless majority.
Trade, Politics and Plunder: The Marathas at Cambay (c.AD 1725-1825)
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