A major part of the book is a description of an experiment in education and teacher education, based on the educational theory of John Dewey (1859-1952), who was the major exponent of the Progressive Movement in education. This was a great experiment and achieved world wide fame. It was visited by Kilpatrick after he heard about the work being done in Moga. The book includes a study of all the various forces and ideas that could have influenced the experiment directly and indirectly, within India or outside India, as the role of the Missionaries in education; education and teacher education in Punjab etc.
In the period under consideration Moga was a rural area. The curriculum being one related to the surroundings is suitable for rural areas. The book is thus useful for those contemplating a study of a relevant rural curriculum in education and teacher education. It is equally relevant for urban areas which wish to introduce elements of progressive education in their curriculum.
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