Seed is an indispensable gadget, for all people involved with plant kingdom. Seed by itself, is a fascinating place of art and Daphne J. Osbome admire thus. â€â€¦.the almost universal formation of the dry seed and its revival on the addition of water is nothing short of an evolutionary miracle.†Understanding of molecular mechanisms of seed and development technologies for best exploitation of seed’s potential is all about Seed Science and Technology. It is important to sensitize the students about the basic mechanisms of seed and the applicability of seed related technologies. This book is written for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students or a layperson that is interested to be introduced to Tree Seed Technology. The chapters of the book are arranged in such a way that the reader first gets acquainted with the intricacies of tree Seed well. Later on, the biological systems of seed are dealt with to describe how seeds form, develop mature, germinate or remain domant. Thereafter, details of quality seed production are elaborated with the importance to the influence of agro-climatic and pollution factors involved. All the efforts generated to produce quality seeds should culminate in obtaining high vigour seedlings, for which seed handling techniques re imperative. Therefore, chapter has been allocated to elaborate the methodologies and precautions to be followed during seed collection, extraction, drying, processing, treating and storing. The chapter on synthetic seed production is included to reflect the large strides made in the recent years in the field of plant propagation. In order to make available right quality of seed, lasting and certification of seeds has been implemented for agricultural and horticultural crops, in India through Seed Acts. The same is yet to be extended for tree seeds also. The seed testing and certification procedures pertaining to trees seeds are provided in two chapters. The book is designed to be the straight-forward and reader-friendly. Figures and tables are provided at all necessary places to sustain the interest of the reader.
An Introduction to Tree Seed Technology
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He is the Professor and Head of Department of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. His experience in teaching research and extension is over 21 years. He has guided 10 M.Sc. (Ag.) and 17 Ph.D. students. He is a recognized guide of Bharathlar University, Coimbatore. He has undergone one year training in Tree Seed Technology at Mississippi State University, USA. He has published 278 research schemes as Principal Investigator funded by various National agencies. In recognition of his outstanding contribution, he has been awarded with 'Best Post-graduate Teacher Award' in 1998. 'Best Scientist Award in Agro-Forestry' in 1999 and 'Madras Agricultural Students in Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Gandhi Gram Rural Instt., Deemed University. He is also consultant to Kerala Forestry Project. He has traveled to several countries in connection with Forestry research and education viz., USA, Japan and Canada.
The author is an Assistant professor in Seed Science and Technology at Department of Seed Science and Technology. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. She is the recipient of Prize for Best M.Sc. (Ag) student in Seed Technology. She is involved in teaching Seed Science and Technology courses for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students for the past five years. She indulged in tree seed technological research papers, one review article and 20 popular articles in National and International journals. She has presented many research papers in National and International seminars and conferences. Three books and one chapter of another book are already in her credit.
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An Introduction to Tree Seed Technology
1st ed.
x+199p., Tables; Figures; Glossary; Bibliography; 23cm.
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