Animal Biotechnology: Vaccines and Diagnostics-Markets and Investment Opportunities

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The animal sector in India is poised for a giant leap through technology innovations. This sector also offers a ‘virgin’ hitherto untapped market for investment opportunities. This treatise is a preliminary but a pioneering attempt towards analyzing the landscape of the veterinary vaccines and diagnostics industry in India. The farm animal, pet and poultry industry form the core of this segment with pigs, cats and equines forming the minor segment. All these sectors work on different ecologies. The livestock and poultry health sector grow as a result of adherence to food safety, disease prevention and productivity improvement principles whereas the companion animal health sectors grows due to affordability and emotional bonding with the owner. With biotechnology traversing all realms of this sector, new generation vaccines and point-of-care diagnostics are poised for active permeation throughout this sector. With the threat of emerging, reemerging and zoonotic diseases looming large, the preparedness to handle them has never been felt this important ever before.

In addition to vaccines and diagnostics, information on other related areas such as regulations, biosafety, animal quarantine, economic impact of diseases etc. have also been compiled. All these areas complement the animal industry in this country. This book would be helpful not only to industry but also for the upcoming entrepreneurs, researchers and students who are looking for business opportunities. This book is a must for all scientists in this field and also to those interested in the fields of immunology, biotechnology and vaccine development. This would be a fine addition to a library in all veterinary colleges and other universities.


Dr. Shikaripur Ranganatha Rao (S.R. Rao), M.A., D.Litt. (born 1922), is the discoverer of a large number of Harappan sites including the famous port-city of Lothal in Gujarat. He is the pioneer of Marine Archaeological Studies in India.


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Animal Biotechnology: Vaccines and Diagnostics-Markets and Investment Opportunities
1st. ed.
xv+238p., Col; Figs; Tabls; 25cm.