India is likely to become a major force in the area of Biotechnology in the next decade. The Department of Biotechnology has encouraged human resource development by creating new institutions and centres of excellence for the research opportunities in these directions. Any research work in biotechnology uses cell culture as a basic tool in manipulation of cell organelle genetically as well as phenotypically. This book is an attempt to comprehensively present the information on animal cell and tissue culture in single volume. It is intended primarily as a text book for undergraduate and post graduate students majoring in Biotechnology, Biosciences, Biotechnology product formulations, preparation of vaccines and diagnostic used in veterinary and human medicine. The new biology is being inducted through animal cell culture in to animal industry. This book has fifteen which deal with historic developments, laboratory design, sterilization procedures and various facets of animal cell culture. This includes preservation, characterizations, storage and transport of cells, their monitoring and technologies for cell banking.
Access to Medicines in India
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