Livestock raising is undergoing a phenomenal change during last few years. Its economic importance has further increased and likely to zoom in coming years. The population growth, urbanization, change in dietary preferences and increased income, have driven the demand for foods of animal origin. Feed and fodder supply still remains the most critical impediment in the growth of livestock industry in the country. Overall deficiency in feed supply remains around 50%. The current production of compound feed from the feed manufacturing sector is only to the tune of 10 million tones per year against a conservative demand of 40 million tones. In present scenario it appears imperative to give a immediate fillip to the feed production. The editors in the present book have contemplated the available information contributed by learned experts in their field. The book cover the topics like cereal availability, processing, gelatinization, extrusion technology, codex alimentarius, protection of fats and portents, urea molasses mineral block technology, antrinutri-nutional factors, processing for pig feeding liquid feed handing storage losses, mineral mixture preparation, agro-industrial by products, feed microscopy, probiotics, herbal feed additives etc. It is expected that the book will be equally useful to research scientist in engineering, animal nutrition, students and feed manufacturing industries alike.
Animal Feed Technology
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Dr. P S Pathak after studies at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, started his career as a lecture and has 36 years of research experience in the field of Agroforestry, Agrosilvipoastoral systems, Silvipastoral systems, Growth and porduction midelin gof trees, Wasteland reclamation and development, Range management. he served as Assistand Director General (Agro forestry), ICAR, New Delhi from 1996-2000. Dr. Pathak coordinated the TPN-2 network project on agro forestry and soil conservation of CCD of the United Nations where 5 institutes of IAR were involved. He was associated with the development of an IDRC, Canada supported project proposal on Silvipastral System of Production for Development of Degraded lands in Bundelkhand region. He is President RMSI and Portfolio Holder of anumber of scientific societies and fellow of National Institute of Ecology and National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Dr. Pathak visited 16 countries for attending international meeting, workshops and field trips related to Agroforestry, Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs development, Grassland management, Development oriented research in agricultural and development of degraded lands. He is recipient of ICAR Team Research Award for outstanding research in the area of agricultural sciences in the year 2002. He has almost 265 research publications including 16 books and 2 books authored to his credit. Currently, as Director of Indian Grassland and fodder Research Institue, Jhansi. He is guiding and managing research in the area of forage production and its utilization in the country since July 2000.
Dr. S K Mahanta, Scientist (Animal Nutrition), PAR Division, IGFRI, Jhansi has 10 years of research, extension and training experience in farm animal nutrition and feeding. He specializes in forage evaluation and development of forage based feeding system for different categories of ruminants. He has over 40 research papers of national and international repute. He is also in editorial board of two national journals and an active member of many scientific societies.
Dr. S S Kundu is currently Principal Scientist and Head, Plant animal Relationship Divison at IGFRI, Jhansi (U.P.). He has over 28 yeaers of experience in the field of ruminant nutirition research. He was instrumental in initiating and shaping the work on feed technology, developing the feed bloc technology and feed microscopy for quality assurance. Dr. Kundu has undergon advanced training in the field of ruminant nutrition at the Netherlands and U.K. He is pioneer workers in the field of carbohydrate, protein fractionations of animalfeeds in the country. In addition to books on "Buffalo Production Under Different Climatic Regions, Animal Feed Technology, Complete Feed Block", he has more than 150 research publications in the Journal of National and International repute. He has guided many post graduate and Ph.D. students at NDRI, Karnal. He is Vice President (Animal Nutrition Society of India), and also life member of eight scientific socieities.
Dr. Sultan Singh is a Scientist (Animal Nutrition) in PAR at IGFRI, Jhansi (UP). His main areas of research in last 12 years are rumen metabolism and microbiology and evaluation of feeds and fodders. Transinoculation a mean of rumen manipulation and standerdization of technique for in vitro dry matter digestion are accredited to his accomplishments. Recipient of two awards viz. ICAR Young Scientist Award for his outstanding research in Agriculture and allied sciences and ICAR Young Scientist Award for his outstanding contribution in field of Animal Nutrition. He has over 50 research papers published in National and International journals and 3 Technica bulletins to his credit.
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Bibliographic information
Animal Feed Technology
1st ed.
8189304062, 9788189304065
iv+347p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 25cm.
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