Arbitration & ADR

Universal Law Series


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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ashwinie Kumar Bansal

Ashwinie Kumar Bansal, LL.B, A.C.S., has the distinction of being the master of both Fengshui and Vastushastra, and of writing 33 books on these subjects. He is doing research on Fengshui, Vastushastra, and other similar alternate sciences of healing, which help people in leading better lives in harmony with nature, and promote concepts based on ancient traditions. The author has travelled to variuos parts of India, and abroad for examining and analysing the Fengshui and Vastu of various private and public buildings. He has resolved Fengshui and Vastu-related matters of numerous buildings without bringing structural changes in them. Ashwinie Kumar Bansal's has been in the limelight inthe media for the past few years. The author's experience, inclination, and insight into this time-tested knowledge have been applied for the well-being and prosperity of a large number of people. Implementation of his advice made instant see-change in the lives of numerous people in homes. Contributing harmony and bringing prosperity in the lives of so many people is indeed a remarkable human achievement.


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Arbitration & ADR
Universal Law Series
1st. ed.
xx+128p., 22cm.