Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education

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The assessment of student learning begins with educational values. Assessment is not an end in itself but a vehicle for educational improvement. Its effective practice, then, begins with and enacts a vision of the kinds of learning we most value for students and strive to help them achieve. Educational values should drive not only what we choose to assess but also how we do so. Where questions about educational mission and values are skipped over, assessment threatens to be an exercise in measuring what’s easy, rather than a process of improving what we really care about. This book covers various aspects of assessment and evaluation in higher education. It provides a starting point for those interested in exploring in more depth the purposes and practices of assessment in higher education contexts. It offers up-to-date information and practical advice on conducting assessments in a range of areas, including student learning and outcomes, faculty instruction, academic programmes and curricula, student services, and overall institutional functioning.


Dr. Prem Kumar Jha has had a distinguished career in higher education that includes teaching, writing, research and administration. In has diverse professional career involving teaching as well as extensive research work, he has been associated with a number of academic institutions and well-known research organisations. Throughout his academic career he had been the recipient of many awards and fellowships. He has participated actively in inter-national, national and regional conferences organised by different agencies. He is a member of the administrative boards of several professional educational institutions. In recognition of his diverse accomplishments, he has honoured by many educational institutions and universities. He has valuable publications in the form of writing five books and editing ten books on different important subjects. More than a hundred papers have been published in international and national journals.


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Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
1st ed.
x+287p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.