As a distinguished scholar and prolific writer he was, Acarya Dipanakarasrijnana, known well as Atisa, Atisa or Atisa, needs no introduction to any person interested in Buddhistic studies in general and in tibetology in particular. The enormous contribution of the Acarya, restoring and rejuvenating the Dharma in Tibet after the cataclysm enthusted upon by the iconoclast Landar-ma, brought a renaissance there in all the fields. Atisa composed numerous treatise encompassing a very vast range from Sutra and Tantra, translated himself and collaborated with scholars in translating the texts in to Tibetan and/or corrected the translations to the established norms. Scholars in Bengal celebrated Atisa's millennium, organized seminars and published a few volumes to commemorate the occasion. There was no better time than that and better job to felicitate for our Institute than to complete, promote and enhance the task already undertaken by the great Acarya in his times. The Institute projected, under the Rigorous Training course in Sanskrit, to publish his texts already taken for restoration and also to distribute Atisa's works among the research scholars registered under the scheme. The whole task of supervision and guidance for restoring, editing, translating and making a press copy of the works was entrusted upon me by the authorities. The Bodhipathapradipa was restored into Sanskrit, translated into Hindi with its Tibetan version and enriched with several appendices by Ven. Lobsang Norbu Shastri. It was published in 1984 by the Institute.
Atisaviracita Ekadasagranthah (Eleven Treatises of Atisa): Critically edited Tibetan text with Sanskrit
Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series
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Atisaviracita Ekadasagranthah (Eleven Treatises of Atisa): Critically edited Tibetan text with Sanskrit
Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series
Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series
1st. ed.
xxiii+266p., Appendices; 24cm.
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