Agricultural Libraries, Training and Visit (T&V) Agricultural Extension Agencies promotes agricultural development and information dissemination by providing the extension functionaries and the farmers with information, training and other extension support on a continuous basis on improved production technologies. Under the system subject-matter specialists and library professionals collect the latest information from Libraries and different agriculture research stations, who train extensions workers, who in turn, through directive training sessions and demonstration plots, try to aware and persuade contact farmers, who are ultimately supposed to extent the message to the follower farmers. But unfortunately, the target users particularly the non-contact farmers are not able to access full advantage and per se, resulting in information divide. Thus, in order to accomplish Libraries’, T & V’s basic objectives, to safeguard the interest of farmers (contact and non-contact) and make them capable to compete in the national and international markets, a proper analytical user based approach is required. It is in this context the research is conducted primarily to measure the attitude of contact and non-contact farmers (150 each) towards Libraries /Information Centres /Agriculture Extension Agency (AEA), through self-developed five-point likert scale.
Indian Minerals Yearbook 2012 (In 3 Volumes)
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