Bajanaama: Baja to most Indians is a generic name for all musical instruments. As gramophones and gramophone records entered the plebian consciousness they too were included in the wide baja clan. Naama more correctly namah is a Persian word that loosely means story and biography. Bajanaama is meant to imply the story of the gramophone record.
DR. A.N. Sharma is a well-known Anthropologist. HE is professor in the department of Anthropology, Dr. H.S. Gaur University, Sagar, M.P. He has been involved in research since 1977. His area of research interest are demography, Medical anthropology and applied Anthropology, He has published several scholarly papers in journal of national and international repute. A number of research projects have been accomplished by him in different capacities, which are being supported by various national and international agencies. Hr is the author of eleven books. The National seminars on “Modern Trends in Anthropology,†“ Tribal Eco-System and Malnutrition in India†and “Emerging Roles of Anthropological knowledge in promoting Tribal welfare and Development†were organized by him.
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