Banking Reform and Restructuring: An Introduction

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To manage a banking crisis is a very difficult task for policymakers, but sometimes decisions taken are done on the basis of imperfect information and so are not the best solutions. But since banks are the nerve centers of modern economies, it is imperative to adopt a definite and solid approach to restructure them in the wake of crises. This book presents this concept with case studies of a few countries.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR V. Subbulakshmi

V. Subbulakshmi is a computer science engineer from College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai and a Chartered Financial Analyst from the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI). She is a regular contributor of articles to various magazines in the area of Finance and Banking. She has also co-authored two articles in “Treasurers’ Handbook” published by Treasury Management International (TMI), UK. She is a member of banking research group of the ICFAI University and is currently working as a faculty member at ICFAI Books, an affiliate of the ICFAI University. She has already edited a few books published by the ICFAI University Press.


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Banking Reform and Restructuring: An Introduction
1st ed.