Bashgali is an Indo-European language of the Kafir group, which retains much of its archaeic features. Therefore, it occupies an important place in Indo-European philology and deserves full attention of the linguists. Colonel J. Davidson was the first among the European linguists to study the structure and the vocabulary of the language and compiled a work under title, Notes on the Bashgali language, as early as 1902. The materials contained in his Notes are valuable but could not be much useful for a detailed study of the language. Sten Konow, a renowned scholar of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Indian linguistics, attempted a detailed analysis of the notes of col. Davidson and organized the material into a dictionary of the Bashgali languages which is presented in the following pages. A practical alphabetical arrangement has been followed in the dictionary which is based on the order of the consonants without any regard to the vowels. The latter came into consideration only in cases when the same consonants are followed or separated by different vowels Under each word, several instances of its use have been recorded with English translation. In the case of nouns, the different cases have been distinguished according to the Grammar. The Verbal roots have been given a full the scientific treatment, showing the distinguished forms in Infinitive, Verbal noun. Present participle, Past participle, present indefinite, different present and past forms, etc. Casual and passive forms have been included at proper places. It is hoped that the publication will prove to be of great research value to Indo-European linguistics.
Bashgali Dictionary
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Bashgali Dictionary
1st ed.
vii+307p., 23cm.
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