For anyone who loves myriad themes and colors, anyone who loves magazines especially their special editions, anyone who loves high altitudes of thought – this small book promises to fulfil a thousand expectations. Lyrical prose, interesting viewpoints and angles, confidence of ideas; all is there to savor and thus delight oneself. This book is a tribute to every human being who spends his quota of time confronting the problems of life, one who has the patience to carry on. Te structure of the book is neat and tidy. The title of the book contains the blueprint of that structure Beauty Prosperity Victory; so reads the title. First, the theme of beauty is taken up, next the theme of prosperity and finally the theme of victory. The writer believes in economic potential of India and hopes that a prosperous India will be beautiful and victorious also. Another aspect of the book is connecting philosophy, history and politics to one central topic: Islam, Sharp insights are offered on the subject; deserving the attention of a serious reader.
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Political Science: (In 3 Vols.)
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