Before Freedom: 1909-1947: Nehru’s Letters to His Sister

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Written over a period of thirty-eight years — from 1909 to 1947 – this collection of letters between Jawaharlal Nehru and his sister Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit is significant as much for its historical content as for its literary value. The letters reveal the joys and trials of a family immersed in the struggle for India’s independence. They are also a living testimony of the resilience and strength that won India her freedom. The letters included in this book have been divided into seven sections-each with its own distinctive flavour of life in and out of prison. Whereas in the first section the note of warmth and affection between a brother and his younger sister is almost palpable, the later sections depict the man who was to become the country’s first prime minister in a variety of other roles – as a husband, father and statesman. In all this, one cannot but appreciate the lucid insight, skilled prose and logic of Nehru whether he is writing to his sister after her husband’s demise, expressing his views on global issues, or expostulating on the interpretation of the nude.


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Before Freedom: 1909-1947: Nehru’s Letters to His Sister
1st ed.
vii+400p., Plates.