This work deals with the study of Bertrand Russell’s Logical Atomism. This relates to a very important phase in the development of his long philosophical career. The doctrine of logical atomism has been shown to be the Joint product of two ten dencies, one coming from mathematical logic and the other from empiricism. But the force of gravitation has revolved round national empiricism. But the force of gravitation has revolved round Russell’s national empirical tradition, especially Hume’s atoms, and these atoms have been fabricated into logical atoms by the analytic method under the away of a logically perfect language. Russell’s claim for this formalized language have been questioned and finally maintained in the spirit of comparative philosophy and in the light of the development of philosophy of language that language is tobe seen in its socio-historical context in which it functions and can not be dissociated from the world and our living in it. Notwithstanding this it has been rightly assessed tht Russell has recognized for the first time in the history of contemporary philosophy the proper impact of language on philosophy which has led to language on philosophy which has led to the development ofphilosophy of language.
Spirituality and Positive Psychology
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