Vaisnava aesthetics is the central theme of the Bengal Vaisnavism as patronized by Mahaprabhu Sri Krsna Caitanya as also by his immediate followers. Sri Rupa Gosvamin is the principal architect of the Vaisnava Rasa-sastra, epitomized in the Haribhakti Rasamrtasindhu, the Ujjvala-nilamanih, the Natakacandrika and the like. Bhakti in the Vaisnava Rasa-sastra the book is interesting and important from many counts. It seeks to underline the unity of ultimate goal of religion, philosophy and poetry through a study of the principles of literary criticism evolved on the basis by the Vaisnava school of Sanskrit poetics of Bengal. The book, in its five chapters, successfully presents a comprehensive and critical account of devotion to god, its origin, development and detailed study of the principal and the minor works of the Vaisnava Rasa-sastra along with their original contributions on a whole range of ensuing literature etc. as also the principles of literary criticism in India.
The Brahminical Inscribed in Body-Politic: A Historico-Sociological Investigation of Effective & Enduring Power in Contemporary India
The crucial point in this ...
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