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Bioelectronics is an interdisciplinary field that includes elements of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Electronics, Nanotechnology and Materials science. It ranges from the integration of biomaterials with electronics in recognition of sensing devices, such as biosensors, to the use of individual molecules to perform the electronic functions that semiconductor devices currently perform. The integration of biomaterials and electronics will affect a wide range of industries-for example the medical industry, with the development of advanced biosensors, biochips, artificial organs and prosthetics for sophisticated medical devices and diagnostics. The book is divided into four chapters-Bioelectronics, Biosensors, Biochips and Biocomputers, followed by references. It has been written in a simplified and easily understandable language, profusely illustrated with simple line drawings which are easily understandable and reproducible by the students. It is hoped that the book will be will received by the students, teachers and researchers in the field of Biotechnology.


Dr. S.K. Agarwal combines many years of experience of and outstanding teacher, researcher, administrator and a policy maker. He is well known botanist and was the Head, Postgraduate Department of Botany, Government College, Kota from 1984 to 1998. He than took over as Vice-Principal, Government J.D.B.Girls P.G. College, Kota, a post which he held up to December 1, 2000. Dr. Agarwal has been interested in Environment and Resource Management. He has also provided leadership in a wide range of environmental areas. He has been nominated as a Member of Rajasthan State Environmental Planning and Coordination Board and in his capacity he is Environmental advisor to the Chief Minister of Rajasthan. He is Chairman, international society for Environmental Journals for publications of basic and applied research aspect of environmental science for 1979 till date. He is author of scores of research papers published in various National and International Journals. He is author of several books on various aspects of environmental science. He is principal investigator of Department of Science and Technology., government of India sponsored research projects for upliftment of Poor SC People.


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1st ed.
viii+161p., Figures; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.