The population of the world of today is faced by a challenge that could threaten even its survival in the near future because of biological weapons and warfare. Biological weapons are not difficult to produce, relatively easy to hide, and, in the hands of unscrupulous desperate terrorists, could cause incredible damage to large populations anywhere in the world. The use of biological weapons in war and/or otherwise as a means of mass distruction may lead to man-made epidemics that will introduce bioengineered agents into the human populations, animals and plants which will have a devastating effect on living organisms and world economy. Confronted with this menace, the biological weapons convention has singled out biological weapons for categorical prohibition. To protect humans, animals and plants from microbial diseases, a revolutionary approach to develop effective vaccines against epidemic causing agents and certainly against biological weapon agents in needed. This book dealing with all aspects concerned to biological warfare and weapons will be of great use to politicians, administrators, scientists, educationists, social service activists and young citizens of the global village.
Biological Warfare
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Digumarti Bhaskara Rao
(9-6-1957), M.Sc., M.A., M.A., M.Ed., PhD., a university rank holder, has had his higher education from Andhra, Bhopal, Nagarjuna and Osmania universities. He is author and editor of about 200 books that include 5 Encyclopaedias and has published more than 300 papers and articles on science and edcucation in India and abroad. He has co-chaired a symposium in an International Conference on Psychology held at Martin Luther University, Halle- Wittenberg, Germany; acted as a group leader in International Seminar on Educational leadership and Social Change Held at Tallinn Pedagogical University, Talling,Estonia; and studied the educational Programmes in Bhutan. He is selected by the Unified Teaching Service, Government of Botswana to teach in Botswana and by the Austrian study Centre for peace and conflict Resolution, Austria for the International Peace-Keepers and Peace-Builders Training Programme with the sponsorship of Government of Austria. He is honoured with Seva Ratna Award, Vidya Seva Vibhushan Award, Bharat Gaurav Award, Jewel of India Award and Best Citizen of India Award for his meritorious and commendable contributions to the field of education. The Government of Andhra pradesh appointed him as Associate Member, Distric Co-ordination Committee on Vocational Guidance and Educational Counselling. He is appointed as a Member, Board of Management, Jan Shikshan Sansthan, under eminent Person in education category by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. He is with R.V.R. College of Education, Guntur, A.P., India.
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Biological Warfare
1st. Ed.
xiv+413 p., Illustrations; Maps; 23cm
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