Biotech’s Dictionary of Botany


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The term ‘dictionary’ for a layman means a reference book that consists of a list of words along with their meanings. And, when one talks of a dictionary, he or she is implicitly understood as referring to a dictionary of English words. But, unlike what our minds are tuned to think, a person who is talking about a dictionary might just be talking about a glossary of terms belonging to a particular subject. This is exactly where our series comes in the picture. The series consists of dictionaries on varied subjects, ranging from common topics like Commerce and Botany, to very profound and complicated subjects like Entomology and Toxicology. The use of simple and easily comprehensible language, along with real life examples and appropriate pictures, fosters an enriching learning experience for the readers, thereby making each and every volume a must buy. Botany is the branch of biology that is concerned with the scientific study of plants. It deals with the study of all kinds of plants, right from unicellular varieties to the most complex organizations, their life, structure, growth, classification, etc. The subject involves a huge repertoire of terms, which makes its comprehension all the more difficult for the students. This is because its vocabulary generally consists of Latin words, which are not easy to understand. The dictionary of Botany has been compiled especially to tackle this problem. The dictionary presents the difficult jargon of Botany in simplified terms, thereby catering to the needs of the readers. The explanation has been supported by examples and rich illustrations to provide an enriching learning experience to the readers.


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Biotech’s Dictionary of Botany
1st ed.
344p., Figures; Plates; 23cm.