This volume contains the minor writings of Prof. Lokesh Chandra on Buddhism, the role of women therein, and the opening up of the vast Buddhist literature in the Tibetan Canon. He goes on to a personal narrative of his sinological studies, followed by identification of the votive banners of Tun-huang and the Karma-vibhanga. Culture and civilization as interactive diversities in the Sino-Indian context, the lives of early Buddhist masters in the catalogue of Seng-yu (445-518), and the role of Buddhism in creating the state of Korea and her alphabet. Hindu gods and goddesses in Japan, and the role of the Lotus Sutra in contemporary Japan. A new consideration of the conceptual the reliefs of the Candi Mendut embodying the polycentric approach of Buddhism. Indo-European as a construct of imperilasm, scientific terminology for Indian languages, iconics of melodies (raga and rupa), the varna-jati system, the Kafirs of Afghanistan, paganism, technosphere and psychosphere, neo-classical art as “leaves of language and flowers of the brush”, counter-image versus self image: a vast range of language, art, iconography, and the meta-space of culture in its widest sense are covered in this work.
Buddhism: Aesthetics, Time and Quintessence
Sata-Pitaka Series
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Buddhism: Aesthetics, Time and Quintessence
Sata-Pitaka Series
Sata-Pitaka Series
1st ed.
Aditya Prakashan, 2010
viii+223p., Illustrations; Index; 29cm.
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