The present Vol.I contains eighteen articles grouped in two segments, namely A and B. Group A explains different characteristic, viz., – "Primordial Philosophy in the Buddhist Art" "Sslient Features of Buddhist Art", "Love of One’s country in Mathuran art", A Thematic Study in Buddhist Art", References to Achaemenians in the Buddhist Scriptures and in Buddhist Art", "Changes in the Literary and Art Traditions, and "Feminine Beauty in the Buddhist Art. Group B deals with Cave Paintings, viz, "Ajanta Paintings and the Jataka Tales," "Non-Jataka Tales in Ajanta Paintings" "Jatakas in Ajanta and Bagh Paintings– A comparative study", "The Misinterpreted Painting of Ajanta Caves’, "The Misidentified Paintings of Ajanta Caves", "The Wheel of Law of Causation in Ajanta Paintings,"Ajanta– A Critical Appraisal", King Asoka in Ajanta Caves" and "King Harishena: a creator of the Ajanta Caves.
The present vol. II concontains eighteen articles grouped in two segments viz,., Group C and Group D. Group C is devoted to Rock-cut architecture and Sculptures. They are– ‘Buddhist Rock cut Architecture — its Techinque’, "Rise and fall of Mahakali (Kondivite) Caves, "Rock-cut Caves of Pitalkhora", "Contribution of Buddhist Literature and Samgha to Rock-cut Architecture of Western India", "Three greaco-Buddhist Sculptures in Heras Museum", "Buddhist Art in Gandhara Sculptures", "On the Image of Buddha", Persians in Indian Buddhist Art", "Sculptures of Buddha in different schools of Buddhist Art", "Mahamaya, the Mother of the Buddha and her forms in sculptural Art", "Vedic Gods in Buddhist Sculptures", "Buddhist Art in Transition from Hinayana to Mahayana’.
Group D deals with Garder Architecture which explores garden architecture of ancient India, viz. "{Ancient Indian Parks– Jetavana "Ancient Indian Parks– Part II", "Forests, Ponds and sanctuaries in ancient India and "Admiration of Natire in the Pslams of Buddhist monks.
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