Poverty in India, especially in rural areas has persisted in spite of the continuous efforts made by government under various plans. There is an urgency to analyze the policies and programmes so as to evolve an effective future policy for rural development. The effective implementation of rural development schemes is dependent on an efficient bureaucracy at the grassroots, whether there is a co-relation between successful programme, bureaucracy and active people’s participation. These are some of the areas desired to be explored. The main objectives of this study consists of: to study the socio-economic profile of the bureaucrats and the beneficiaries; to examine the structural deficiencies in the administrative set up at the block level, in recruitment, promotion and training; to examine the role of bureaucrats with regard to policies, planning and implementation; to pinpoint bureaucratic values, role perceptions, attitudes, orientation motivation an behaviours of officials involves; to assess the performance of development bureaucracy and impact of rural development programmes; to assess the role and participation of citizens in rural development programme. Certain points are given for improving the atmosphere created while implementing the rural development rogrammes and behavioural orientation of block bureaucracy as well as attitudes of people towards bureaucracy. The official at the lowest echelons should have a high degree of positive attitude towards responsibilities at their work place. Professionalism in officials involved with rural development can be achieved by making the compatibility of administrative machinery with the objectives of rural development.
Bureaucracy at the Grassroots Level in India
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Bureaucracy at the Grassroots Level in India
1st ed.
x+202p., Tables; Reference; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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