Capitalism’s Toxic Assumptions: Redefining Next Generation Economics

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While many have called for an end to "business as usual", Eve Poole actually explains what needs to change and how it could be done. This is a forensic and inspiring account. (Financial Times columnist and Visiting Professor at Cass Business School, London)

Eve Poole’s precise and elegant deconstruction is a properly human antidote to the pathologies of late capitalism, drawing on psychology and moral philosophy as well as economics to expose its fake certainties and showing that, just as humans invented today’s unsatisfactory system, we are perfectly capable of reinventing it too. (Journalist and Commentator)

This book constructively challenges our current approaches to economics and finance. Such a much needed rethinking of both can only benefit business and society. (Director of St Paul’s Institute)

Lots of economists have written books like this. But Adam Smith wasn’t an economist, he was a moral philosopher. This book is a refreshing reminder of market basics, as well as a manifesto for a better sort of capitalism. It offers a comprehensive analysis of why capitalism is foundering, and how the actions of ordinary people and businesses can make it strong again. (Political theorist and theologian; Director of ResPublica)

Does the shareholder-centric model of a public company need a fundamental rethink? Yes. Lucidly and compellingly, Eve Poole’s book explains why. (Chief Economist, Bank of England).


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Bibliographic information

Capitalism’s Toxic Assumptions: Redefining Next Generation Economics
1st. ed.