1. Indian Oil Companies’ Race for Self-Reliance: Risks and Rewards; 2. Total: The French Oil Giant’s Growth Strategies; 3. ChevronTexaco’s Growth Strategies; 4. North America’s Largest Independent Oil and Gas Company, EnCana: Building Competitive Advantage through ‘Unconventional’ Means; 5. Global Oil Prices: Demand Side vs Supply Side Factors; 6. PEMEX: The Mexican Oil Giant’s Restructuring Strategies; 7. Royal Dutch Shell Plc.: The Competitive Strategies; 8. BP – John Browne Bets on Asia: The Strategic Logic; 9. Gazprom’s Takeover of Sibneft: From a Local Monopoly to a Global Energy Company?; 10. Sunoco Inc., the Philadelphia Refiner: The Refining and Retailing Strategies; 11. Exxon Mobil’s New CEO, Rex Tillerson’s Agenda – Diplomacy: Can he Manage?; 12. Bharat Petroleum: Way Forward; 13. Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI): Succession Battle at the Italian Oil Giant; 14. Mergers and Acquisitions in Russian; 15. CNOOC: Growth Strategies of the Chinese Oil Giant; 16. Constellation Energy: The Growth Strategies; 17. Unocal’s Embattled Strategy: A Soft Takeover Target?; 18. BP: Evolution of a New Corporate Culture.
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