This is a book on the economy of Manipur, a North Eastern State in India, which has entered recently the intellectual agenda of the nation. The urge for doing something is circumscribed by lack of well-researched material particularly on the state economy. Most of the available work treat the North East as a homogenous region and it is this type of treatment which has complicated the challenges facing the region. The penchant for generalization has failed the policy makers. The present work consisting of 17 essays on various aspects of the economy of Manipur brings together the views of deeply concerned economists and social scientists based in Manipur. It is essentially an insider’s view of the state economy. It covers the structural changes, natural resources, agriculture, industry, public finance, Indo-Myanmar trade, sex ratio and unemployment in the context of Manipur. The issues raised in these essays will enable policy makers understand the core issues for successful policy intervention in Manipur and initiate quality debate on those issues. The issues are fairly exhaustive.
Rural Industries in India
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