Changing Direction in Educational Administration

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Educational systems exist within social and political systems. Since social and political systems have undergone and undergone undergoing transition, it also impacts educational systems and patterns. In addition to abiding to the rules and regulations of the school, the teaching faculty is required to meet expectations of Parents in bringing out all-round development of their children. Moreover, new innovations, technologies, changes and decisions which the school administration wishes to implement may give rise to new situation with varied problems. For efficient and effective functioning these problems must be sorted out and solved to the fullest satisfaction. What are the problems that education and teaching professionals are facing? How these may be classified and catagorised in definite fields like educational, social, economic, political, etc.? What are their impact on teacher and taught, school and community and parents and school administration? How these problems may be solved? These are the questions which are elaborately delat with in “Problems of Education and Teaching” in easy-to-understand manner. This attempt of sorting out and solving problems of education and educationalists, consultants, policy-framers and general readers.


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Changing Direction in Educational Administration
1st ed.
viii+244p., Tables; Figures; Index; 23cm.